The Gospel of Jesus Christ
God has declared that all men are sinful. Since Adam and Eve, men have been subjected to a fallen world that is the result of their own choice of sin over God.
Adam and Eve were the first men and women on earth. They disobeyed God by listening to Satan, who convinced Eve that what God said wasn’t true. As a result, subjected to God’s discipline.
Adam and Eve’s actions against God brought the sin nature into the world and ever since, all men and all women are sinful.
Sin means that a person falls short of God’s righteousness. He or She knows what to do and what is right to do, but does not do it.
Because everyone has sinned, we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
Because we all have sinned, the Bible says that “the wage of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We all deserve death because of our sins against God.
However, because of God’s love for his creation, He has created a way for us to still have a personal relationship with him through his Son, the LORD Jesus Christ.
Why Jesus? Because God decided to deal with man’s sin through someone that was perfect. Man needed to pay for sin which demands payment by death. So, God, in His love for mankind sent His Son, Jesus to die for all of mankind as a ransom to pay for man’s sin.
Christ’s death pays for sin of mankind once and for all. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. This is called the Resurrection. This proves that Jesus is God and that he has defeated death and sin.
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us in the giving of His life for ours, we who believe in Jesus, are saved through what he has done. When we turn from sin and back to God through Christ, we are declared righteous by God the Father and given eternal life because of our faith in Jesus. This is why Jesus’ says:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
But you must personally receive the Gospel of Jesus, believe it, repent of sin and turn to Jesus as you Lord and Savior. This is not a temporary thing. You have to give your life to Christ and obey Him and his commands. You must confess that your way of life is sinful and that you need saving by God’s Son, Jesus. This is called repentance. You have to turn from the sinful way of living and turn to Jesus, God’s Son, who is God too.
Once you turn away from sin, believing the message of the Gospel, you will be given God’s Spirit, the promised Holy Spirit, who is God’s Spirit that resides in your heart. The Holy Spirit’s presence in your life is proof that you belong to Christ.
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)
After having heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make a decision right now if you’re reading this and know that you are living in sin and want to answer Jesus’ call to salvation.
Call to Action:
Do you accept Jesus as your Lord and repent of your way of living today?
Do you trust that Jesus can save you from your sins?
Pray now to God for Jesus to come into your life this day. If you are sincerely wanting Jesus to save you from your sins, tell him that you realize you’ve been living in sin and want to change through his power. Thank him. Now, join a local Christian church and become a disciple of Jesus for the rest of your life!
God Bless you.
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